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ASK FOR THE NATIONS 2024: 4 Tigers Trip

This summer, the Lord opened the doors for our team to to visit 4 Tiger Nations in East Asia! We witnessed thousands respond to the Nazarite call unto global missions and revival!

"okay, so what is a NAZARITE?"

‘If a man or woman wants to make a special vow, a vow of dedication to the Lord as a Nazirite..." Numbers 6:1-21

In the Old Testament, only Levite men were able to minister in the presence of the Lord. However, the Lord knew that there were many who would not be satisfied with outer court ministry. Therefore, he gifts the people with the Nazarite vow, a holy separation that a man OR a woman could take if they so desired more of God.

Biblical figures who took Nazarite vows:

Samuel the Prophet (Samuel 1:11)

John the Baptist (Luke 1:15)

Paul the Apostle (Acts 18:18)

When God wants to turn a nation back to himself, he raises up his Nazarites. Those who are not satisfied with the lostness and complacency of their generation, and to testify that there is more!

"What are the 4 TIGER NATIONS?"

These 4 nations, SK, HK, TW, and SP experienced sudden rapid industrialization and economic growth from the 1960s to the 1990s, becoming significant players in the global economy.

However, many people are unaware of the fact that this sudden increased prosperity resulted from the revivals that were birthed in these nations!

"The blessing of the gospel is that God prospers a nation, but the curse of the gospel is that in their prosperity, their descendants forget God.”- John Wesley

While these nations have in the past been richly endorsed with the Gospel, their economic prosperity has increasingly deteriorated their spiritual hunger. In other words, they lack not so they need not.

(ie. South Korea was almost 80% Christian in the 90's and the second largest sending nation. Now, less than 4% of the youth associate themselves with the faith.)


But, we're believing that in this hour, the Lord wants to call a generation back to him. God has shown us time and time again, that it is in his nature to turn a lost generation back to the God of their fathers. He will not be forgotten, and the word of the Lord will not return void!

"...He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord and followed completely the ways of his father David..." (2 Kings 22:2)

When God begins to move in a nation, there is a mass God-consciousness that comes upon blinded minds and opens them up to the glory of God. Prayers begin to pour out of the hearts of the hungry who have tasted and seen the one who was, and is, and is to come. We call this: Revival!

Our team has been fasting and praying for such a breakthrough in the nations. This summer witnessed thousands responding and eagerly giving their lives to Nazarite consecration!

We live in significant times. As a generation, we are at a turning point; the question is, which way will we choose to go?


I believe that God is not done with our generation, and he has shown time and time again that he is persistent to receive his glory in every nation and generation. Asking according to his desires, we press in in faith-filled prayer, praying that it would be so.

God is moving all across East Asia. A Nazarite movement is happening not because it's man's good idea, but because it's God's desire. Let us pray that he will do the same in the youth America!


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